Whats up forgehubbers (two B's?) this is my map Paratroopers. It was made buy me and my friend XxLimitGodxX. i hope you find this map interesting...
You would be suprised at how stupid the spartans can be. sometimes they fly too close and get shot down as you saw in the video and other times...
I have been sick for a while and i'm too lazy to put picture up so i have offered up another little tasty morsel (Editing Free!!) for your eyes to...
I used studio 12 and my dazzle to do this. the program messed up my soundtrack and i had to "loop" it. i will edit the post and thanks for leaving...
Alright Guys, this is my second and best invasion map. It has differing gameplay with vehicle batlles, hand-to-hand, and yet again more vehicle...
I am working on a V3 and i am thinking of having twoo gravlifts spawning about 10 seconds in and they shoot elites up to the roof. i have added a...
Thanks for the feedback. please test it and leave more feedback!
please leave some feedback on my map mission control
Heres how it goes. spartans spawn with two falcons fly to the base and open the roof. the elites cant do anything in phase one which is why this...
^^^^^^^^^ I agree
Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Detailshere is the link to my map. i have already placed spawns so feel free to delete them and place new ones. it...
[IMG] [IMG] Please take a look at this if you are good with spawns please then post modified pics with dots and areas for SP and SZ....
i am looking for a person good with spawns cause i suck. i will be posting them on me file share. Dkruler500
thanks for the feedback. more is welcome!
THnx ill fix it
Hey guys, this is my close combat 6v.6 invasion map. it has been playtested twice and i have gotten good feedback all around. i have submitted it...
i need one! map style: competitive preference: begins with H description: back against the wall very close quarters
come on guys, i worked hard on this map and i think that people would really enjoy it. spread the word! Edited by merge: leave some constructive...
Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details this is a link to the picture of my map [IMG]