Cement by Lf jvjason Bloom by Bleuprint I went with these as I'm not sure if some others I really liked have been nominated already and can see...
This map is really cool, reminds me a bit of onslaught but with a different take that seems to play better. I haven't played Salot's new version...
The gameplay on here is really quick but I like that. I do agree with erupt on the glass walls, but the rest is great.
Map definitely looks cool, unfortunatly I can't dl bc I have a hdd (new xbox) but i'd love to try this out if you run customs.
Any reason why this map isn't going to be in MM or will it be. I thought I heard someone saying it was a definite over at TLN but I don't know...
Is this going to be in MLG? I thought it woudl considering it has a feature. Nice work.
Bleuprint was hosting the lobby, I pretty sure well before release and we played TS and KOTH. The KOTH game went really well, the slayer game was...
Wow, this map is my new favorite. I love the aesthetics and didn't imagine the gameplay would be as good as the map looked. It's absolutely...
Yes, I reloaded the map and the braces are on snap but they keep changing. I'm sure more vetted people can help me out. Btw, the braces large...
Hey guys. I just need to figure out why a lot of my forge objects move after I save and reload the map in customs/forge later. This mostly...
Wow, can't believe this map is so many pages back. This map plays the new KOTH extremely well. Great combination of tempest and forge objects....
Someone randomly started this is a custom match and I loved it. Great map! I really like the style and flow. Felt different than other maps and...
Stage One by Bleuprint
I commented on your other thread for the non-mlg version. The only difference here is weapons and stuff that blows up and I must say, I do like...
I played only a 1v1 on here and I highly doubt that its intent was for that. I really love some of the base ideas though it looks a bit strange...
This is a really cool map. I like what you did with the bases and how you used the towers. The flow feels good but I'm not too sure about the...
I really love the look of the map from the shots & it looks just as cool during gameplay. I download both versions and the flow feels great! It is...
I really like the layout you have. I'm gonna download this once I get home. Hoping for some nice flow throughout.