Wow, this looks absolutely beautiful. I'll give it a DL when I go on.
That was absolutely hilarious. I can't think of a more effective way to get across all the problems we have with Halo 4's forge mode.
While I do agree with some of the concerns raised by the map-making critics and experts posting in this thread, fame28's post captures my feelings...
Might I suggest leaving the shade turret and not replacing it with a human one? Not enough good maps have utilized one.
I haven't played it yet, but dude these aesthetics are KILLER. Fantastic job on that.
Making it looked mined out could be a good idea. I was wondering if there was any way I could fill the map in a way that makes it look as though...
I'm tired of all the typical Forge spots, like the Quarry. I'm building in the cave, and I had an idea where the cave would house an ancient...
I downloaded this and holy crap it is fantastic. The jumps are great, proportions are great, and the map is easily recognizable. I love it, and...
I play this map every customs night, and everyone loves it. It's my favorite Infection map ever, honestly. I do have complaints, though. The...
WHOA. This is WAY up there, man. I'm definitely giving this one a download. Those cash registers are amazing.
Holy Magikarp this looks fantastic. This must really be pushing the object limit...
I haven't been able to play it yet, but it looks to be extremely faithful to the original. A lot of people, myself included, liked Construct, so...
The bases are pretty far. The Towers are not the bases, although I can see why you would make that mistake.
I hate to say it, but this is really nothing like Valhalla. It's not your fault though; a Valhalla remake sounds just about impossible with the...
If you want my honest opinion, I thought it was VERY underwhelming. It had EXTREME Construct syndrome, with almost the entire match revolving...
Yeah, there are definitely some spots that could use some taking care of. My opinion of this map is just wow. It reminds me of Construct, sort...
I CANNOT figure out for the life of me why anyone would want to remake this map, lulz. However, the remake itself actually looks great, but it'll...
I remember seeing the SketchUp for this and I thought it could only work as an aesthetic map. I'm still not entirely sure if I was right, but I'll...
I actually thought that the gray filter made it look better, haha. I think the architecture is very well done, and I can't really get a feel for...
If you want to come out and insult my mapmaking, at least make some sort of an attempt at downloading or actually reading my post. I have no doubt...