thegaykid7 submitted a new map: Void - Void is an asymmetrical BTB map that features three unique areas of play which offer a blend of long...
***See bottom for weapon, vehicle, ordinance and gametype information*** Though Halo 4 is now well past its prime, I figured it was time I got...
Map- Void GT- BloodyNinja17 Players- 12-16 recommended Gametypes- Slayer (more to be added later) Budget- $9955 Notable Weapons- Sniper Rifle...
GT- BloodyNinja17 Map- Unearthed Gametype- Team Slayer Budget- $9995 Notable Weapons- Sniper Rifle, Rocket Launcher, Railgun, Saw, Shotgun,...
Truer words have never been spoken.
That makes two of us haha. Come to think of it the name does ring a bit of a bell. I happen to think it is a most wonderful name, and I will have...
GT- BloodyNinja17 Map- Corrosive Supports- 8-10 players Gametypes- FFA, Team Slayer Budget- About $8k Hey all, Happy New Year! To finish off the...
Sarcasm is a lost art, huh? I wouldn't ask for advice if I believed this to be the best map in the world lol. I am aware of the issue with the...
Thanks for the support <3333. This is clearly one of the best maps to ever grace the confines of these forums. But, to each his own.
I like what I see (and saw in the video). Good stuff.
Thanks a million! I just published my own 1-Flag CTF map but had forgotten about this issue. I had become so frustrated trying to replicate the...
GT- BloodyNinja17 Map- Artifact Supports- 12 to 16 players Gametypes- Team Slayer, CTF (more to be added later) Budget- $9995 Weapons--...
GT- BloodyNinja17 Map- Marker Supports- 8-10 players Gametypes- Team Slayer, 1-flag CTF Budget- $9300+ Weapons-- Rockets (1x), Sniper (1x per...
I need not add more to this. Though I often enjoy myself on it mainly because I tend to go on killing rampages, Meltdown has to be my least...
I have a couple of projects due early next week, but once those are out of the way I'd be happy to help playtest this if you needed some help with...
Have to agree with much of what has been said. Love the aesthetics and sheer size of the map, but I do think it will potentially lead to a lack of...
I've taken some of your advice, DieHardAssassin, and restructured parts of the map. It's not complete yet, but I'll edit this post with the...
I don't know how I didn't see the tank issue with the blue base, to be honest. Sad really lol. Thank you for pointing that out. I never...
A fair criticism, but I don't think it's completely relevant in the case of this map. I'm not sure whether you're basing that judgement solely on...
GT- BloodyNinja17 Map- Artifact Supports- 12 to 16 players Gametypes- Team Slayer, CTF (more to be added later) Budget- $9915 (brokeee) Weapons--...