Absolutely beautiful map! Guaranteed download as far as I'm concerned. I'm letting my friends know about this one to!
Thanks, and yea 3v3 sometimes plays even better. A few of my close friends prefer 3v3 instead of 4v4 because they can sneak around better and use...
I'm impressed by this map at first look. The only initial concern I may have is the diagonal bridge walkways leading out towards the sniper area...
I like what you did with the lights. Very interesting and I'll be taking a look :)
I like how you used the grids. I'm surprised more people don't use them for aesthetic purposes.
I love the idea of maps that contain water. Some parts look a little crowded but that could be because I'm only looking at the screenshots. I'll...
Thanks, for my next map I just developed something similar to the spitting serpents that uses the same basic release mechanism, but will have its...
Judging simply by your screenshots, parts of this map are breathtaking. Your very first screenshot made me giddy. What you did with the rocks...
You have my respect simply because of the volcano... I absolutely love it.
I don't know why but this map made me think of Hang 'em High from HCE... and also made me smile.
Colors caught my eye right away. I know it was built for team slayer but I'm wondering how fun CTF would be on it.
Nice little touch with the water area with the sword. It looks very cool! Like a fountain containing a lethal blade in the middle :)
I'm really liking the looks of this map. It appears as if it would be really fun to play on as well.
I'd like to, but it says I don't have enough room on my file share. And I'll need to keep up everything I have on the file share until...
Thanks! That's my favorite feature as well :)
Re-locating the snipers might be a good idea. I was even thinking of sticking them at the bottom platform at the side of each base. I forgot to...
I like how the bases look with the windows being there. Gives it a safe yet not totally concealed kinda feel to it.
Looks great. I am a fan.
That's a really good point about the rocket in enclosed areas Natetendo83. Does anyone have any suggestions about what could go in the top...
I really like the looks of this map. The water and the beach are nicely incorporated, and the size seems good.