Thanks for the suggestions ThatNewGuy. I recently uploaded a newer version that has higher goals so that scoring is less difficult. Also after an...
I appreciate your suggestions and the time and interest that you put into this game. However I would like to point out that I undertook this huge...
Description Players spawn in one of eight goal tower boxes either alone or in teams of two allowing for either 2-8 or 16 players. The game is...
By popular demand a 16 player capablility will now be a part of V2 ^_^. Prepare for carnage! UPDATE!!! Version two supporting 16 players (8 teams...
Thank you for all of the positive feedback! @anime halo: As of now no the map does not support elites. They are able to play but there will be...
Sorry about that it was accidentally deleted from my file share. The problem has been fixed.
Description Players spawn in one of four goal tower boxes either alone or in teams of two allowing for either 2-4 or 8 players. The game is played...