Best racetrack to come out of non racing game? are you kiding me? this racetrack to me looks terrible with no aesthetics very bumpy and...
dont worry! if you fall off there is kill zone to kill you and you spawn back at the start of that section Edited by merge: its really hard to...
Yo guys whats up! Ok i actualy finished this track a couple of weeks ago but have been un able to put it on forgehub because of computer...
i love your maps =] this looks like an awsome rollar coaster and the bit with the rock arches really caught my attention awsome track nice one!
Virtual high five back! thanks for the feedback i know what you and hollow123 are saying about the width but i like making thin tracks (roller...
GUYS! a new roller coaster! this is my brand new roller coaster cylindro inferno it features a spiral going a round a pillar, banked turns and...
ye u need to be carefull of that lol its tricky enought just stayin on let alone warthogs flyin at u
it dosent look very creative i would like to see some decorations and mayby the track could be smoother next time u make a map try to do something...
Guys this is my last skytrack in a while as i dont really find them fun to make this is just a short little racetrack i made to test somethings...
nice rating thats gr8 and it gives me great ideas for my secound version in that i will make the track longer and use the green special effect...
thanks for all the positive comments guys it means a lot to me is there anything you think should be improved? because im pretty sure i will bring...
i managed to complete it in 55 minutes lol but i was stuck on section 2 for about 30minutes awsome map and very challenge i will lokk forward to...
yes! i just completed it! it to me ages to do thie bit where u jump down tho lol awsome map keep them coming!!!
eek i h8 banshees but this looks well forged im willing to try change
i know what you mean with the checkpoints but i had already spent a lot of time on the track and had started to get lazy im thinking of brining a...
in the vid i play with 8 people its really fun but really hard to survive if your human lol
yo guys this is my newest minigame and its my secound version of my map XRS jenga this time -become zombie when you die -zombies have respawn...
I have played this map with a group of m8s it was amazing! the only problem was that the barrel roll DID NOT WORK 99.9% of the time like you said...
cool map with very nice looking anasthetics ill definatly download (i <3 the lava)
lol this is probly the most awsome thing ive done on a cosole game ever YouTube - halo reach miracles 3