I'm in on the Idea. Contact me via XBL for help in both forge and playtesting. A very good idea that does not enter the realm of fiction (if by...
It's all good. BTW, I just started a Halo Reach Clan. You could be the 3rd Admin. If you join quick enough. Go to my profile under my gamertag,...
This. Is. Epic. I have never seen so much detail in a map. I have seen big maps, tiny maps, pro maps, novice maps, crazy maps, whatever....
Add a green lighting effect + next gen for a more Fallout-ish look. And contrary to my previous comment, if you want to be completely authentic,...
I love the little Nuka-Cola Easter egg. This looks like if you did a little cleaning up and added some more light would be great for a train...
Tgif 18. Please be there. Forge.
Hey, remember me? I got XBL, so if you would not mind perhaps playing some Halo, forging, playtesting, whatever; I would not mind playing some...
I got XBL. Would you like to help me playtest some of my maps and generally help Forge? I could easily invite you to play some matchmaking to get...
I have successfully gotten XBL and will immediately post my gamertag. Help to playtest my maps will be appreciated.
You might want to get an Avi. Just so you're more immediately recognizable
Just saw your map Shockage. I thought it was great. You definitely used the redesigned palate and pieces in the Noble Map Pack to your advantage....
There are very few maps where story, aesthetics, and layout, all flow so well. The placement of the maps also benefits the effect. If there ever...
I am absolutely surprised that this map has not gotten more attention. This map has a great backstory, and the aesthetics are incredible, some of...
Sir, I am VERY impressed with your ship. There is only ONE tip I can give you: add symmetrical, clustered bumps along the port and starboard to...
Attention notice: I may be acquiring Xbox Live sometime between June 19th and June 31st I am really excited, and now I shall be putiing up further...
This looks like a very good map, a good example for anyone trying to build an invasion map. It did not sacrifice looks for functionality, or vice...
Your map was very good. I will give you my personal recommendation as a critic that you build some Machinima-oriented maps. Your story skills and...
Even though I understand this was intended for custom infection games, I can't help but realize as I look this over that it would be ideal for a...
I'd recommend posting a runthrough video, because I can't really see much from the pictures alone.
This seems to be nice. I like seeing a working map with a backstory. However, if your weapons don't respawn, put at least 3 clips extra ammunition...