you sound like a 13 year old so thats a really good map better then anything i can make and im a lot older
if halo had less aim assist and or actual projectiles and faster speed i could see this working but sorry to say this map just would not work for...
looks really nice you can tell you got inspiration from halo 2 ship from the 2nd picture. was trying to do the same thing in reach but i just suck...
LOL thats freaking hilarious jk not sure what this is
looks good but id say its to square and that the middle should be opposite... who would wanna go in the middle map wheni ts on such lower ground?
im not to good at forge or anything defffinatly not as good as ppl here but i would say make less of things of connecting random premade...
whats water collision then? in forge world u go right through the water and doesnt effect anything why would it be different its just for the looks
yea but i mean placing a wall in the water and you could walk on it like forge world they made it a killzone
can you put letting us be knee deep in water on the list cant make some cool maps cuz of that :(
i thought they looked pretty good
ya ur right but u can do it the old way and change the settings to be like slayer pro
how is it not good for competition? u can 1v4 with halo 1 pistol it took skill dont hate pretty sure it was the most mlg halo next to halo 2
halo 1 with 3 shot magnum was a beast game who wishes another halo game is as beast as that halo 1? halo 4 just adoesnt cut it
this looks like a guide for people who have never forged at all
no spots where you can even touch the water at all or even close or you instantly die. i had an idea of what i was going to make but now that you...
this is hands down the best map i have seen so far
what you can do is launch them the sameway but with a custom powerup that would make them invincible for how ever long they are in the air. it may...
this looks badass ill add you soon
damn i was going to make a prison map that ur buds would come and ride the hog into the back of your cell to break you out. tobad :(
if so can you switch the phases around like first phase is the bomb phase