you conquered the multi level thing perfectly i love it the whole idea of it. it looks really good
Dude, very very nice use of the natural tempest map it looks amazing and it flows... it flows really really well for the limited amount of pieces...
hey dude i played on it just today.... swat... and the ground parts where amazing the rocks are placed perfectly and the cover for the tops of the...
dude this map looks really good i like how there is a tower type base with many ways to get into it.... it look really even for a tower based map....
This is one of those times where my mind is blown lol i dont understand how people can do stuff like this.
dude pretty wicked... i like the wall outside of the play area it gives a really cool effect.... i haven't played on it... and i know that...
just a tip for next time... dont make such a huge border around the pictures... i found my self to busy looking at the border to concentrate on...
Damn, you got some pretty nice maps. Edited by merge: i agree with this statement exactly...... FORGERS STOP MAKING CRAMPED UP MAPS... THERE...
yeah the cover thing actually plays very smoothly. it may not look like it but its the exact right challenge if red team is better than blue, blue...
thanks for the feedback hey thanks for the feed back i will work on a weapons list tomorrow. but for now i have updated it to be more balanced...
Water Powerplant is an electric powerplant that converts the energy from the waterfall into electricity, but it is now abandoned and under siege...
its pretty good i like all the small details..... the only downside is that its a little small
i put a url of my picture that came from my file share... but its not showing.. how do i get a picture from my files share into the thread?...
Act 3: The hotel Hello everyone, i just made an Act 3: The hotel map the continues the series.... if rifte does not want me to play this map i...
This map is a bridge map that leads to an upper base. The bridge connects montana and alaska, the two islands right above the valley. first...