is this the same one i broke or did u fix it? -Banditk
I hate Boosters the most i hate facing teams in doubles 2v1 even tho im so pro i will win. I dont mind modders as long as they dont mod...
People do it just so they can get posts and rank up. lifeless losers if you ask me.
[IMG] Wished you looked as good as me.
you should what he said to final boss at meadowland he said " If MLG was full house I would be uncle Jesse and the ogres would be the olsen twins,...
check out this cool new browser fighting game what you do is enter your name and just watch your guy fight every thing is random and you need yo...
When on the sky floor how far down is the drop before you get killed by barrier?
No one probly remebers me but i signed up a while back. My xbl ran out during the summer and i didnt get more months cuz i was on vacation and...
its cool im just anxious wanting to play some halo after not playing for a while.i probably suck now. and ill probably make a new account cause...
well i dont want to create a new account cause im gonna buy some more months in a couple of days i just need like a 48 hour one so i can play...
i just got ungrounded and my xbl has run out so can someone give me a free a trial card so i can use until i can go and buy some more month...
i palyed something similar to this but it was juggernaut and the juggernaut was slow and. i guess this is a good game type to keep the game close....
i think the reason pokemon wasa "fad" in the day as because i wasnt that hard to beat and unless you had lots of freinds with the game. there was...
Blackout: shot the fusion coils and mad the sniper fly to me (saw it in a video) Ghost Town: Got lost I didnt even play avalanche cause my...
mine is becoming the bull by atreyu but i usually just set it to shuffle and it plays through all my songs which isn't much. so they are all...
very nice i like it all exept there seems to be alot crouching,
first id like to welcome u to forghub. looks like a nice map kinda looks like a fort tho cause u know how castle are built all fancy and stuff but...
welcome to forgehub. here at this fine establishment we like embedded pics please teh armor is fake but still lets ask for it instead of recon the first 13 min is lagendary and...
i like frog