This is awesome man. Good work!
Do you have suggestions? I would like to keep the multi-level design. I feel like changing that would significantly change the map itself. Not...
Created by Cornlord Map Description Rerun is built for 4v4 slayer. FFA hold up decently as well. I wanted to keep this map extremely close...
The Cage is def my favorite map. Although I do love me some invasion on Boneyard. But, I feel like we are talking slayer here, so The Cage it is.
Some of the maps seem to lack that extra coat of polish. Z fighting and lag run rampant on a few of them. But, some of them have good layouts and...
I beat down dudes twice as much as I assassinate. But I'm a very close-quarters type of player so melee kills are how I roll.
Yeah, I really loved 2s. It was fun to jump in with a buddy for a match or two. Games were always F'n bananas. I think 3s will be fun and a...
this might be kind of a redneck solution but it should work. Grab a colosseum window and just spin it really fast on the spot that the goose...
yep, put the spawns in. red starts on defense. they will switch bases when the next round starts. it will work
agreed. any asymmetrical game mode does this. Red always starts on defense, then the second round has blue as defense at red's base.
lol, that's what i get for trying to make a joke.
awesome map man. I would say that it's my favorite race map by far. I love that it's indoors.
great ideas. personally though, i'm all about the voting system.
i meant lime would be pissed because it's usually the more popular green fruit.... not that someone named lime already has a map named kiwi... lol
Anyone here play League of Legends? I've been on a kick lately. only level 16 but hoping to get to 30 so i can do some ranked. If you're on lol...
yeah, when i first started, i was getting less than 50 credits per slot machine. Now i often get 300-400 just because i don't quit games. I've...
dude, lime is going to be so pissed.
i nominate kiwi
You should check out this post. It was really helpful for me!
I think customs have been lacking because my buddies usually want to finish the daily or weekly challenges. A lot of times those are only...