Thanks for the link. Am I really only the 8th person to Dl?
Is that a fallout picture I spy? lol. It looks good but I couldn't stand the whisper-talking.
In case you were still wondering, I haven’t bought the map pack yet and tried to download ricochet from the file browser. It said ‘missing...
Hey! I’m a forger and I go on matchmaking all of the time. And I think of myself as competitive. I’m pretty sure putting competitive people into...
I agree that 343 messed up, I’m just saying that they didn’t do it for the money. They just made an (Lots of) mistakes. I think that they know...
First off, I understand that not many people on this site are happy with the work that 343 has done, but saying that they are only worrying about...
I downloaded v2 of this map and I have got to say this looks 10x better than v1. It’s amazing what some sunlight can do. A little tip, when you...
This map looks very bland, but I like the look of the central area. That area could have some interesting battles. Also, this map looks cramped...
I've been working on an anchor 9 remake an I've been looking at trying to do powerhouse also. its complicated but Ill prob try because I loved...
Halo: Rebirth. that's my guess. I think that 343 is def. doing a side game because they wouldn't dare do a main game without cortana.
they said it pretty clearly at e3, and they probably have said more details since then.
First off, I want to say that I love the rocky, forerunner feel of this map. This is probably the most unique map I’ve seen, based on aesthetics....
I think that Xbox is taking the right path to create a console that will last. Most of the features that are in the Xbox one don't seem useful...
1) do you think that they will bring back grenades like the spike or flame, and if not i assume it will be extremely difficult to earn up plasmas...
i did a run through of this map when it was a preview and i think you did a good job with the improvements. it feels much more tied together. it...
there have been so many posts about this and while talking about all the little features is fun its not thinking big... i think the best thing 343...
it would be great to have the ability to edit land in forge but the system they use in that game would be challenging to apply to forge. its...
the game already tracks every game you play, k/d spread, suicides, ect. they could use those stats as a search trait to match you with simmilar...
i know halo is casual and thats why its so great but halo reach to me just seemed like they were trying to match how other gamemakers did things...
in halo reach the gamestyle was changed because so many fans wanted "less noobs" so you cant get mad at bungie for trying to give people what they...