Update Ok had some time last night and before work today to tweak my map a considerable amount. My main focus was making the wheel look... well...
Updated my Zanzibar map check it out!
Yea I know the wheel kinda sucks but had the limited budget to work with. I have done the wheel differently but it cost a lot to do. This coming...
Fixed everything i needed too, this was my first post so i was a little clueless lol. I would love some feed back on my map i spent a lot of time...
Ill have to get in there and mess around again didn't think i had any bad kill zone placements but could have moved one on accident. About testing...
I will tinker with a mancannon and see what i can do, only problem is my budget is 0. Going to have to delete a few things. As far as the map...
Zanzibar Ruins Zanzibar Ruins Well there isn't a lot that needs to be said about this map. I'm sure that almost everyone has played this map a...
Thanks I tried to calculate every thing out the best i could. proportion is key with remakes. IMO.
This is my Elongation remake been sitting on it for a wile now and figured i should post it. As far as a description goes its basically the same...
truly sorry never posted before got pics now but they are small i don't get it lol. have to work now when i get home ill mess with it. once again...
Requiem is a fairly large indoor building with bases on each side. In the main room there is the ground level then 3 levels of bridge work all...