I'm back whahahah
Maybe so Shoe...but BF3 kicks ass lol!!
Man, I have been away from this place for far to long. It is great to see this map finally released duck, a lot of work has went into this map and...
Sorry for the late reply...I would be done for doing some coop sometime!!
So, almost finished with my latest map. We should playtest it soon ;)
how did I miss this post Career? I'm glad that you stayed true to your word, and posted under this name; that makes me smile. Anyways, I love the...
You know I have never really cared for Battlefields campaign, but that trailer looks insane. Seems like a step in the right direction, coming from...
OMG...I am so pumped for this game it is not even funny, and that base jump just blew my mind!
So, good news and sad news. The good news is that my new internet company will be installing my internet Friday morning. The sad news is that I...
Subterrane By: Rogue and Blaze Lux By: Ace and Rorak
I'm interested to see how they implement searching for servers on console. Do you think there will just be a list of different games going on, and...
I was not around when you originally released this map, so I have not had a chance to play this in all its glory(other than a game of OMAR). Now...
I believe you have changed this a bit since the last time I played it. Seems like you have cut down on some of the LOS that this map once had,...
After a quick walk-through, this map looks interesting. I love how you constructed the center, not sure if I have seen that before. Both of your...
this look very interesting sugar, so far the layout really intrigues me. Anyways, do you have xbox live again? If so do I still have you on xbox...
So Duck I felt like the test tonight went pretty well. I was really surprised how well the catwalk system preformed. More people used that area of...
I remember playing this map a very long time ago, but for some reason I never did post a reply. So, I guess I will do that now. I remember this...
Well, my internet company gave us a new router because ours died, and now we have moderate NAT and I have no clue how to change that. So, that is...
So, is Dice done with the beta or are the servers just overloaded? Because I have not been able to get past the main screen for a few hours now. I...
I have played several games on this, and most of them were an enjoyable experience. The first time I saw this map I thought, "man this will be a...