Killballs cause lag regardless of location or interactivity. Along with the lights that illuminate a lot of the dense structures. My worry here is...
Ok that's reasonable I was going for a single item look to tie in with the map name but anyone who agrees with sugar just leave a comment and I'll...
See this is exactly what I was thinking. If you've looked at the photobucket album what was originally where the shotgun cells are were plain &...
Ok so i was working on an idea like this awhile ago and encountered the same problems. That map is really open, which is necessarily bad, but a...
Hey guys I'm currently working on my map Containment. After so much apreciated test from our fellows at the Testers Guild I have made a major...
@MCGreen thanks man and yeah I might just have to throw Gladiators up its awesome for this map. Also I had a bunch of pics lying around from RvB,...
@MCGreen first off thanks for the feedback and second as the level design was based off the Halo 2 level Oracle, I didn't want to change to much...
I agree the walls really brought this map to a more versatile space, along with the adjustments made to the central area. As I saw this map in its...
Actually Tom I've pondered your view on building blocks and im gonna try to keep that in mind on my next project.
This map looks really good, impressive use of the dish to add concave flooring into the design along with some nice detailed staircases. Keep up...
Thanks Sugar & Cyborg. Also I find certain objectives feel better here than others. King makes the teams move around alot as well as territories...
***First and Foremost this is not a Remake!!!!*** HERETIC: Heretic is based of the Halo 2 level Oracle, at the end where you have to fight and...
I was there with Sugar and McGregor for the review, review team members work in a group of at least two to give two points of views and to try to...
Will review the new map tmrw have you updated overgrowth
This map holds some unforgettable FFA gameplay and has great balnce for an assymetric map. The group , Red v Blue Customs, really enjoyed this and...
Thanks man, the hammer is more for feel, like it reminded me of Halo 2 with the brute uprising. Check out some of my other maps on my fileshare...
Ok so heres numero 3, Dungeon Dungeon is a symmetrical 3 story battle to the death. This maps has a gloomy feel and asthetics. This map has nice...
I like a map like this simple and focus on the gameplay while using suddle asthetics to orientate the player. Have you played any 4v4 variants on...
Sick, the idea and asthetics of this map are awesome. Nice job man join my social group so I can try to use this map in the next tournament I...