A reply to both of u guys, the link is on the first page at the top, if it's broken lemme know. And as far as the pelican, u may yet be suprized...
To true I also dislike the teleporters, but after fiddling with the thing for hours I decided to just configure it like I did. As my associate...
Thanks man, I'm a fan of ur most recent work of art.
Thanks man. And ur correct everything is square and nothing ever seems to match even if the coordinates are correct. I had to do most of the...
Thanks man, I designed the interior for playability, and I don't know about you but I haven't seen any really good pieces that just yell...
I was gonna build a pelican droping the warthog and the supplies off in the hanger but I defiantly ran out of money and parts.... Use ur imagination.
It was designed so that there will be heavy combat in the air (the falcons,the warthogs, the turrets, banshees, and whatever else u can throw at...
This map was a lot of work and I am confident it is a masterpiece, it is designed for invasion game modes, it is designed for a variety of tactics...
Nope sorry
All fixed. Thanks to oOMr BecksOo.
Does that link I just added work?
Workin on it now sorry, I'm using an iPad posting pics is getting tricky, any ideas?
Sorry I'm using an iPad I'm having trouble with even the thumbnails. I'm working on it
The red team must assault the beach. Blue team must defend. Set up for team slayer only... I may change that... Enjoy! Let me know what you...
I had planned to get really in depth with the inside but I made it so large that I ran out of money sooner than I had planned.... I added a bunch...
A playable replica of the Millennium Falcon, fully playable interior. I have a few more maps to post up in the next few days... Let me know what...