Ouch..... I never had any problems with the first teleporter, but I understand that the second one is kinda messed up. The second one has the...
It looks pretty nice, but you might want to add a video or something because I can't really understand the layout from these pictures. Also a...
I really like the layout it is just a shame that it had to end in a teleporter. IMO that kinda ruins the flow.
I fixed the last checkpoint because some people would fly over it. Again thanks for the compliments people and I hope you enjoy the track. If...
You need to have at least one picture or a video with your original post or else the thread will get locked. How to embed screenshots
Wow this looks really cool. The only thing I could recommend is to change up some colors, just so people don't get lost in a sea of gray. I hope...
Since I am going to make this a battletracks map I will probably just add cover to certain areas. Dun worry, if you look at my other maps you...
[IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] I just decided to start forging another racetrack. Thunder is a mixture of a rollercoaster and a...
Thanks. I didn't really put as much detail into this one, but I tried to make it just as fun as Portal Raceway. Its great to see people enjoy it!
Thanks. I tried to keep the track kind-of natural since it uses the terrain. I figured if the inside of the island was like a bunker or fort then...
So this is it! X5LP7 is my second race track for Halo Reach. This one was a little easier to make, but I believe it is just as fun as my other...
Yeah it can, but it is still fun to get flung around the map pretty quickly! If you play on slayer and tell people to only shoot when they are...
Thanks! I barely used any buildings though. Only on the upper level, where the zombies spawn at. On the main floor all of the buildings are built...
Alright, thanks!
I keep seeing these awesome maps using the 'insane' gametype. Was it added later by Bungie? I can't see it in the regular gametypes section and I...
Teleporter Testing was just something I made when I was bored. It uses teleporters to launch people around the colosseum. It is pretty chaotic...
May I make a suggestion? Try to use less of the massive "Colosseum Walls". That way you can focus on details better and make the structure look...
They work fine, but if someone hits the edge of them (The lip thing on the sides) they can roll. It just adds to the excitement and makes things a...
It looks pretty nice from what I can see! Your use of circular stairs as walls makes it feel like an underground bunker or factory. If possible,...
Aqua [Racetrack] [I am thinking about different names] So this is Aqua! It is a racetrack set around the island of forgeworld. So far it has...