Thanks for the comments, guys. If you're looking for other Battlefront maps, I would suggest using the in-game map file search. That's how I found...
Hm... Sounds like a problem. No, it's not intended. I guess the water is deep enough for the Revi to completely submerge. Weird. I guess no one...
Hey guys! I took all your feedback and rebuilt the map from scratch! Hope you enjoy v2! - Now supports up to 4 players! - New "Bust Box" for bust...
@ G0DLYP4ND4 Thanks for your feedback. Great suggestion. Next time I'm bored, I'll tinker with some creative ways to kill them off. lol. @ the...
Too bad there's no way to mix this with an objective gametype. You could have the humans try to plant a bomb or capture a flag without being...
Cool idea, but if you want a Zero G Griffball game, just set the basic player settings to low gravity on a normal Grifball game.
High Rollin' UPDATED! NOW SUPPORTS 4 PLAYERS! NEW HUMILIATING BUST PENALTY! OVERVIEW: This is a very simple, yet fun and addicting mini-game to...
I love the natural landscape paired with the enclosed room feel. Kinda reminds me of a Spartan training facility or something.
@NaturalSwag Player Traits > Weapons and Damage > Equipment Usage > Enabled/Disabled/Unlimited @Everyone Else I had no idea this would be...
Sorry, guys, I took this out of my file share a while ago to make room for other games/maps. If you would like to make the gametype yourself, the...
Downloaded this map a while ago loved it, but never got around to commenting on it. Beautiful forging! I love the ship and the real Halo theme...
@ hollow123 You could have checkpoints with one-way shields. That way, you can only fall back down so far, but if you die you have to start all...
@ xAudienceofone I know which cranes you were talking about, but i felt this map would be better without the camping on the crane. And yes, I...
Never knew this either. Will try for sure.
All pictures under the "Screenshots" spoiler are from V2. All the V1 pictures were deleted and replaced.
v2 is up! Be sure to check out all the changes. - Weapons added for regular gametypes - Bases revamped (shield doors, more cubicles, small office...
@ boomerdude Yeah, I probably should have included some weapons for normal gametypes. For some reason I didn't really think about that. I will put...
If you play with the included gametype, the vehicles are not drivable and are indestructible. If you want to play with normal Slayer settings, I...
UPDATED: COD Highrise + Gametypes Elevation v2 An adaptation of CODMW2's "Highrise" Download Team Deathmatch | Domination | Sabotage | Capture...