Hey there! I'm forging a slayer based map for around 6-8 players which centers around a conveyor belt that moves small crates (and the occasional...
Hey Forgehub, it's been a while since I've visited. The site got a makeover even. Looks great! But this is what I'm here for. In the screenshot...
I've been hard at work on a puzzle map for Halo 4 that is based in logic (there will be no reason to kill yourself or complete tricky glitches in...
Hey Forgers, it's been a while since I've pestered you guys. :P I made puzzle and mini game maps back on Reach (and 3, but I hadn't discovered the...
There's legos to my left too. 0_o I forge to create experiences and because it is a great creative outlet (dare I say artistic). I've always been...
Thanks, I was aiming for natural, even though half of the map is walled off. I'm not sure what you mean by straying from the default invasion...
Invasion Gulch is a placeholder name until I find a more suitable name for this map. This invasion map takes place on the far side of Hemorrhage...
Thanks, will remember this. The reason I was mainly tampering with the loadouts was because I wanted to remove the jetpack from my game.
All throughout building an invasion map, I have been wondering about the loadouts for my particular gametype. I always found the evolution to 5...
1) Have you searched for A Burial Mounds remake here and on Bungie.net? I guarantee you would have found your answer had you searched. Forgehub:...
Yup, connection host, it's the same for fixed and phased weapons only seen in the air by the host.
Currently the banshees can't damage the defenders, to prevent them from clearing the room and then taking all of the flags, but I like the sound...
I was messing around with the unlimited vehicles glitch when I decided I wanted wraiths shooting down banshees in a "beehive." But wraiths are...
Very creative use of the expanse of Forge World, as well as the unlimited vehicles glitch. I'm curious though as I'm creating something pretty...
I created a minigame map revolving around the speedpile gametype. Before I went on to set up the rest of the map I decided to check if the scoring...
Definitely something to chew on for my next map. Thank you, this is the most helpful feedback I've received, I'll attempt to patch these, except...
After some googling I found where I initially read it: Source = Bungie.net : Bungie.net Blog
Armor Walkers by Meta Waddle Dee and Fallback by I PAINTS I
GT: Packeranatic I may or may not be on. I'll try to be though, I want in on this. That tower is just too good to miss.
Hate to bump up this thread, but you need the noise_maker to be on the same team and spawn counter for the goal of that team for it to work.