Gamertag: S Forty Two Times you can get on: Usually whenever school gets out. (3:45P.M. Pacific time) Sometimes weekends. Mic yes/no?: Yes...
They can be used as an elevator, as seen in the forged level Mint. Or can be used as a inertia stopper, for the center of a stairwell that you...
I come up with a lot of decent small map ideas, but not really any good large ideas. Unless I have inspiration that I can draw off of, I don't...
If you guys want, I can just let you finish the map by giving you the link. I've expanded a bit on the other base and I just need to make it...
Not really a night effect, but purple and nova make early morning.
Your correction needs a correction: November28th.
I like how you used the covers with holes in them as just smaller covers, once you sunk them down.
If its a remake of ascension, could be "Take the stairs"
Squid of Assumption. Or that could be a Covvie ship, not sure.
This isn't exactly criticism, but could you explain what you mean by Z-fighting?
[IMG] this is the finished base, that used almost all of my building blocks, and 4.5k of my budget. One flag CTF would be fine, but I'm not that...
Any pics?
My first real symmetrical map. Has a spawn area for team slayer, and has good lines of sight, along with two interconnected levels. Edited by...
I like how you used the portal cases as ways to incorporate lights.
Well, I've run into a problem with a CTF map I'm making. I've made one base so awesome.....that I don't have any more building blocks. :/ So now...