More like 20.
I lift 10 pound dumbbells in six sets of 10 each day. Its not a full workout, but it helps keep me abit strong.
Seeing as this is the first post, I feel kinda special. :) This map/game is GREAT. Its fast pace, strategic, yet theres no rule breaking. This is...
Apollo, no advertising your map on other threads. It will eventually get some downloads, be patient.
Re: Disc Shooting (Skeet) I had this exact same idea. I had forgot it for awhile, was planning on making it, but I think I'll just download this...
Qued, I'll be back in a few minutes to tell my thoughts.
I see alot of people complaining constantly about Matchmaking Ranks and they only seem to lose ranks and not gain. So I figured I post the system...
I can imagine this would be a good KOTH map. Kudos, only thing missing is the ball things on the wings, although I don't how you could do that.
Its spelled Kart not Cart. :/ Anyway, you can make it so that VIPs can drive, but this is pretty much a modified Rocket Race on Rats Nest.
Re: Spillway This is awesome map, but a found a quick problem straight off the bat. On one of sides of the control room, theres a barrier...
If its protected a few floating open containers, I think it would work well to protect the person. Also a wall inbetween 1 and 2, 3 and 4, etc.,...
Thank you for the example. :) I forgot to say, I'm currently in the works of two maps, Limetrack (90% done), a racing like track made for 2-4...
Yeah, I was browsing around on and it had a link to this site, so I decided to join. Looks pretty cool. People tell me my name is...