this whole concept is absolutely fantastic. I signed in to tell you that. I'll give it a looksie when I'm on next. and I just may have to borrow...
I hope its appropriate for me to say this, but holy crap. I got chills reading this and i have it downlaoded. As soon as i have enough peeps to...
...................................i just came. i can haz dunkballz prease?
No **** was an expression of immense gratitude or something like that
[IMG] "Crotch-rocket" - I survived this little encounter... So yea...I'm the Purple one. My friend didnt talk to me for a week...
Quick question. Exactly HOW MUCH of the frigate is avaiable to access? Like could I play a game inside the frigate?
You have essentially recreated Jenga for H3, but it looks 10x cooler and is actually nice to look at....I love you and I cant wait to waste away...
I just pooped myself...
Go with Dogfight on Airborne for sure. You should develop the cruisers a bit more though... They look chodey
JFO helmet ODST shoulders Breacher chestplate FJPARA knee guards Black visor Buckler wrist Black primary w/ Lime Green accent Thats just how i do it
Yea, its a golden elite in ranger armor. Theres one on like every level. If you kill them, they drop data pads that give a background story to...
That actually makes a lot of sense, but there are some instances where its better to camp. I'm gonna give this a shot though lol
These are so cool Husky...I want one
All my friends thought I was crazy when I said he had that backpack that said "RE-ENTRY" on it!
Melee: Ok, so have you read ANYTHING on Bnet about the new melee system? You cant just run around and mash the button. There's a cooldown system...
@noklu which switches?
Is it meant to be an aerial combat map?
I want it! I can't wait till you release this dude, it looks epic
That, my friend, is amazing
I look forward to trying this out. I really like the concept. Good job dude