is it normal for a map that revolves around a qeust/roleplay/story having asthetics when it is based around all of forgeworld??
As i see no adventure maps, i will be hosting my adventure maps and seqeuls to it with qeusts and the plot to the story
ah,nice i never have either,i thought it was a grid as i never played on this map.
looks beautifully aesthetically, love how you have designed it all terrain,and colour both pieces and surroundings you got a dl
quick qeustion,what is that blue lasar,other then that clean map,you got a download!
i got to agree with RoboArtist beutiful architucture,remade its got colour and peices used differently,i tought the arch was made by either 2x3 or 2x4
have you made the potions class,proffesor trywaneys class and the room of requirement
NVM den.... forever alone!
i was jus scanin tru ur comments...
lyk u tke dah piss ouh of em n h8 em
u threaten admins 2 kwl!
u go to edit that helps...oh n i think it need a bit more aesthetics, im sure you have more money to just do that!
Blindly buh then i shape it,it never seems a hit to the artists of forge world(or their just jealous) buh a massive hit to my live community!
i like the maps design,buh i got a qeustion wats the name got to do with it?
okay, i see alll the critism u given me and have trying to keep it in my head,i will go edit every one map i heard so it please even some one like...
one its a gametag,i never liked it my self but thats him,two their are vechiles i am not new,yes it for btb,and as i said,the images are...
nice concept,love the ideas with flying bout around the whole map,but their could be a few cheating going on like cutting in,dont u think
as i said about the review that one was done by tinkytonka(gave the rating) and zonkedbrandon(gave the review) i found it stange 2 buh the people...
i only got 10 forge bucks its got damnation in it yes,and construct on the top!
I AGREE,LOL buh its got 3 of my maps so i couldnt think of a name,i'll change it now,n i do now my gamertag is crappy...i want to change it!