Havent tried the map, but i just watched the video. The grey walls dont look so good, I know you need them to keep the maps scale right tho. and...
Wow, you've gotten really good reviews, guess I'll try it out. I LOVED the original Valhalla, but I promise I'll veiw your remake with an open...
What do you call more acurate? The people claiming 1:1 scale? (the scale has to be a little different because Reach spartans have less jumping...
I cant believe this map hasn't got more downloads, it whoops everyones lockout/blackouts... I just dont get it. I think we did a pretty good job...
we'll do some more tests with more people Edited by merge: Its just weird that the map would play perfectly fine with 5 people (about 3 matches...
We said it was only playable with one person per tv... It takes SO many pieces to make this map, we knew the framerate lag was gonna be bad before...
Gimme some credit about making Epilogue K cousin? lol, its ok, you're forgiven.
Once we get version 2 of Orbital done, we'll make a map pack of our Orbital, Epilogue, and Blackout (Knockout) remakes. In my opinion they put to...
The first time I played the original Orbital it was SWAT and I got an overkill haha, I think it might have been on my friends profile too.
I actually thought the bases weren't TOO important since you just spawn in them and walk out 95% of the time. The more objects you have in a map,...
I helped build this map and its awesome. We test played it the other day with a group of friends, and their feedback was the same. Detail is our...
Good Job Good Job on the map. All the jumps check out and it looks perfect. Your map is the only one I've played that you can actually make the...