tuesday customs sign up BARF. if yinz have the space send me an invite.
great games poor connection the Custom games were a blast intil xbox live kept knocking people off line. I got to play 6 maps then gave up cause...
thanx for the insite on my map. i agree with everything you said. i was impressed with the asthsetics and gameplay of all the customs last...
sign me up BARF is ready for customs on Tuesday. I may want to test a snipers only match on Hoarding Action but if not no biggie. everyones...
dang im to late. well if 5 people bail im ready for customs on tuesday. BARF I have a map similar to boarding action (halo CE) ive been dying to...
Tuesday Night Custom Games. 8pm Eastern Time Look up my gamer tag BARF We usually play team objective games. Sometimes there are only 3...
This Map had me in awe. It dosent even feal like a forge map. It looks like something from campain. The way you used the shield doors on an angle...
Holy Church This is my all time favorite map. I live everything about it. The graves are freakin awesome. The caskets are even cooler. The...
Barfs Review My first review for the forge guild. I hope this where you re supposed to post it. The astetics of this map are great. I love...