I see what you mean but I have added it to my fileshare for him to look at and people have done the same with my maps. I hope he sees it the same...
Lol no but its hard to describe suggestions on here. Hopefully he wouldn't mind and take a look and look at the changes ive made and may use them...
Ive made some alterations to improve its aesthetics and to improve the centre and cover. My gt is BenJ1278. It is in my fileshare.
The flooring isn't a problem its just a suggestion. There needs to be higher cover as players that use dmr's or br's have an advantage when they...
Soulcrusher NP is right. You should use the lines of the floor pieces to your advantage and use them to show the player where to go. Even though...
Yes its quite hard to fix the problems with it as ive almost used the whole budget and the lighting no longer works. Its such a small map but uses...
The good thing about ordinance drops though is it shows you where to weapons are although for some reason I cant put an ordinance drop at that...
Haa lol maybe a concussion rifle would be better I don't know.
What do you suggest I put in there I was originally going to put a rocket launcher in there but it would probably be OP. I think there needs to be...
Export is a small map and is similar to the pit and foundry. “An arms factory warehouse lost during the fall of reach” Supports: Infinity...
I have updated my fileshare and have changed the name of the map to Despatch. I will update this post tomorrow with new pictures and a list of...
Sorry I haven't posted any changes yet but in an attempt to rename my map I've managed to delete the changes I've made recently so I will make the...
Despatch V1.1 I have renamed this map to Despatch. It is in my fileshare if anyone wants to try it out. My gamertag is BenJ1278. "An abandoned...
no I used the rotation snap and lent them against the wall.
This is my first post I've always wanted to post my maps on here and now I have. I wan't to enter the forgetacular contest with this: This is...