Thanks for the feedback guys! I couldn't help but notice how small the map was. I didn't realize it before, but I took notice of it and added a...
Solace (updated 1.5) Solace is a fairly small map that is made for 2v2 or 4v4 team battles. Is easily compatible with team slayer, two flag,...
I just updated the map to be more balanced and include more gametypes. I don't usually use the "building" type pieces that often, this is the...
That's something I'm currently working on as we speak. I'll edit the post with the updated map when I'm finished, I was just eager to get this out...
UPDATE NOTE: After going over the map, I decided to make a few slight changes. Most notable might be the removal of the aesthetic builting that...
Thank you for necro-posting this thread because this is the best remake of Construct I've seen, and I've been looking for a good remake. This...
I had a 1v1 match with my pal on this map, and one thing that bugged me is how many hiding spots there are. He always hid and assassinated me as I...
Thanks for the feedback, but this map is supposed to feel familiar. Not too familiar, though, I wanted to make it a new map but with inspiration...
Looks interesting. However, the surrounding walls seem kind of pointless, you could've put a safe area surrounding the map, that way whenever...
I honestly don't know how I would have made more to it like you suggest and still keep the guardian/lockout inspirational feel to it. I might...
Those kinds of scripts don't work You can use the [url][/ url] scripts Or [img][/ img]
Ran through this map really quick All I have to say is that the current pics you have up just don't do it justice lol Interesting map, Looking...
I added a bit of decoration to the yellow building which isn't in the pictures. I didn't want to have too much decoration and end up having...
Description Warden is a symmetric map designed for 2v2 or 4v4 team games. There are two bases, one red and one blue. Both have a path leading to...
This map was build very well. It's detailed, it has a good flow to it from what I can see, and I like your use of the two triangle pieces in the...
Looks like a good map :) My first observation, this map looks a tad big for 2 players 1v1.. I'd say the min. players should be 4 instead of 2.
Thanks :) I definitely like this map over any of the other maps I've made. I don't know why
I might try and find a way to make it so that you can't just shoot across the map, as to avoid base to base DMR fights. I can't really think of...
I'm not going to lie, this is the first beach map I've seen that actually looks like it plays well. You did a good job. I just did a run through...
You joined today, which it's always good to see new faces inspired to make and share their maps with the community, but you are required to have...