wow i don't even remember making my last post. . . I got my last Guns for Glory kill on a balverene. I knocked it down with my epic hammer of...
I just beat the game, and I promise I won't post any spoilers or anything. For those thinking, "wow it must be a short story", it's longer than...
I really like what you've done with the rockets, I might have to borrow that idea and run with it. (with permission of course) I like that floaty...
Fable has its challenges. It's not a traditional RPG by any means, but its about as role playing as you can get imo. I had it pre-ordered and...
Kill balls are over done as an aesthetic, but you don't have to delete it. Build over the top half of it, leaving a kill hemisphere on the bottom....
lurkers must post, thats how the game is played. Victory is mine!
1: Volcano @ Kings Dominion, VA 2: Alpengeist @ Busch Gardens, VA 3: Led Zeppelin @ Hard Rock Park, Myrtle Beach SC 4: Grizzly @ Kings Dominion...
What he said. We're not playing well, but we're winning games. If we can patch the holes in our O-line and get our D where it needs to be, we'll...
Duke Nukem 3D, but I was always best at Quake 2. I pwnd so many n00bs back in the day, I was like 13. That's why I can't really hate on the kids...
This time tomorrow I'll be hanging out at Gamestop waiting to get my hands on Fable 3. I borrowed a friend's Xbox to play through the first one,...
Thank you for the warm welcome, I myself have read this thread three times now! Which must make me a nobody too. I guess I'll have to work to be...
My high school librarian was the ****. He let us play games on the school computers before school and during lunch. The school's computers had...
So it doesn't matter that I posted the exact same thing in the Introduction thread 15 minutes ago right? I was on the fence about Reach until I...
A warm round of applause for. . . . our newest member? I was on the fence about Reach until I saw the Forge World unveil. That sold me. I...