I remember Longshore having railing along the sides of the dock but, other than that this looks to be a good remake, good job. P.S. wheres Fronk?
http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=11334603&player=plasma eagle plasma eagle and Kurt G51 hope u like.
looks almost exact to how I remeber chiron. I used to love this map im gonna dl
well the grid room is a room out of grids like when people just put this ridiculosly large grid where it dosent need to be and the noob room...
A grid room, and a noob room with all sorts of nooby stuff for noobs
First Strike, read it.<--- quote srry i messed up already did. anyway I forgot to say I think chief would win
Halo CE: the silent cartographer. I liked this one because you had alot of driving and the forerunner tunnels to go into. I also think the...
Really? I always thought that was the arbiter. I may be wrong but im gonna go check. and i dont remember chief killing him.
I only teabag when the guy who killed me teabags me. then I hunt him down and teabag him for the rest of the match =]
i think the only cool thing about tempest is that is has driftwood and thats about it. you cant go far into the water, forge on any intresting...
though the needle rifle has a higher rate of fire and is more forgiving when you miss, it makes it a good weapon for new players the . DMR has...
whenever i get in a warthog on that map i instantly get owned because of a sniper or a tank and the map just doesn't feel the same as it used to.
is there a way you can get out of your banshee and camp the bottom of the zapper? and did you try making the zapper blue, cause i've never seen an...
munitions depot(mac rounds nukes etc.)crews quarter's, officers quarter's, hanger bay,and bathrooms
fork lifts on forgeworld