I'm happy with it considering I wasn't even planning on buying it. I thought the campaign was alright, really enjoying multiplayer quite a bit....
I don't have a PS3, but it still bums me out that people would do this. I know there's been a lot of issues with Sony recently, but when people...
It crossed my mind, but I found that those maps are way too detailed for me to be able to create them properly. Got my capture card to work....
This is one of the many threads debating this, and it's going to end the same way as the last ones have. Aesthetics aren't just something to add...
I like Forge how it is. And I would enjoy a new map so.... I doubt you'd be heard anyways. Bungie pays attention to the boards, but not to stuff...
Rather than spamming the boards with 800 threads, I decided to just make one topic designated to any progress I make. Having individual threads...
I've completed the third map in my big map pack which is AVP Pod. Pod is a vertical type map, with about 4 levels including the floor level....
Older, Aliens vs Predator 2. I didn't really care much for the newer AVP maps, the old ones worked out a lot better. I'd also like to add that...
Been a while, but I finally had the time to work on my AVP project I started a while ago. If you don't know what I'm talking about, refer to the...
Nope, the / is in the wrong spot. From what I can tell from the pictures this looks like a pretty solid map so far. Hope to see some updates!
Sounds like it'd be pretty fun, I'd play it for sure.
This is probably my favorite use of the beach so far. Sandtrap was probably one of my more favorite maps in Halo 3, and from what I can tell from...
SMG, and the fact that you could pick up bubble shields and other items like that rather than having armor abilities, it just works better for me...
As stated, there are a few remakes on here that are really good. You just have to dig through. It's hard to replicate maps 100% because people...
I don't even think there was an Arbiter when Reach was being destroyed. It isn't a rank that they have at all times. It's there to make an...
It was taken from my name here, which was derived from the first two things I saw on my desk (Prototype game, duck tape). But irritatingly...
I can't begin to express how awesome this map is. You did a really good job at taking different areas of the level and merging them in together....
I just downloaded this, and all that needs to be said is I love this map. I haven't been able to play it with anyone as of yet, but it looks like...
I dunno about anyone else, but I find this is the case with me just about 100% of the time. When I start a map I'm really excited about it, and...
This looks really good. Reminds me a lot of the area on Delta Halo in Halo 2 where you end up ditching the Scorpion to go inside the temple area...