Wow, the Thumbnail really made me double take. This map looks pretty amazing. Imma gonna have to download and check it out for myself :D
Glad to see this map up on here. Looks pretty damn fine to me. I've never seen AA's placed onto a non-MLG map before, but that could create a...
Judging by the vid, the action looks pretty hectic to me. Plus, the aesthetics look beautiful. Got a definite DL from me, I'll have some wicked...
Had a quick geeze in Forge. Looks good, but just a suggestion, if you want: Place a barrier of sorts around the perimeter of the map. Doesn't have...
Nice looking map :D I just downloaded it and had a runthrough. Everything looks crazy in-game, just the way a laser tag field would look. Only...
Looks very nice :) I like the idea of the map and the collapsed parts make for very nice detail. We may have to collab together for a future...
Looks amazing, the aesthetics definitely do this map justice. And I'm quite thrilled that this is the first Tempest map I've seen that DOESN'T...
Nice looking map, just had a runthrough of it in Forge. Especially liking the centrepiece and the Purple Rock Lift. Only issue was the HH Drop off...
The snake kind of reminds me of Reptiles Lair from Mortal Kombat. But this seems like a good map. The long hallway has a fairly large Line of...
Fix'd. New DL link should be up and running :) Edited by merge: Feeling like a prick for doing this...but shamed self-bump. I am a sad face now :C
Might wanna polish up your post here. Got a link, showing you how to post screens. Put up at least 2 or 3, should be right :)...
I'm gonna nominate Champion by Antares777x
I nominate Champion by Antares777x, simply because it is the most creative reimagining of Lockout/Guardian I have ever seen. The gameplay is...
PLEASE READ BEFOREHAND: This level was originally posted in the 'Competitive' section. Seeing as this map isn't truly suited to a Competitive...
I got more the feel for Lockout mostly. Probably because of the towers and bridges connecting them. I really liked this map :D I guess the jump up...
[IMG] Exhumate This floating facilities halls used to flow with many academic minds: now all that is housed here is violence, bloodshed...and...
Just downloaded and had a run through in Forge. I couldn't gather much from the screens, but it's actually quite complex, in a good way. I like...
Thanks heaps :) A rather peculiar thing about the one way shield: it acts as a magnet of sorts if you get too close and pulls you down into the...
Hey, I'm new here :) just threw up some maps onto the site, hopefully you guys can have a squiz and criticise. I've been Forging since Halo 3 and...
[IMG] Assymbiotic What was once a deep-sea mining apperatus, is now a floating field for a brutal frontier war. As proud men and women plummet...