Map looks cool but i would want more screenshots if i were to download. Also i think it may be too much with 2 falcons and 2 banshees. Gotta be...
Played it with 16 people yesterday. Everyone loved it. You did a good job on this =)
Wow...I cant pick a favorite thing in this map b/c everything is just so pretty =)
@petetacular 42, thanks for the feedback. good and fun gameplay was all i had in mind on this map. Wish I could take my map into photoshop and fix...
Thanks Epolixa. I may put in more gametypes later =) lol jo takk masteryo, skal sjekke ut ban(an) din(e) etterhvert =)
Sacred is a bit big, symmetrical and enclosed map mostly made for close and mid range battle. I got my inspiration for it from the featured map...
I was just about to post my first map thread which also is integrated with the laser beam, but when I saw this I figured "I have to start over"...
This is my first time commenting on a map lol. Just have to say I really like the look of this map and I dig the theme. Downloading and checking...
I'm new here and the first thing I did was checking out this map. It is just awesome and I would play many games on it if it werent for the lag....