I know this is your first map, but i can see alot of problems.. First off the track isnt smooth and very bulky with sharp corners (from the pics)...
Hey , yeah it was me talking to steve about teleporters , Basically what you have to do is make sure , its Place at start: No , Min count:0 (which...
Hmm i think its lacks something special .. i think its because the house looks like its made from just premade buildings so i think it lacks...
Disguise: Changes the colour of you armour to the oposing team for ten seconds. Mechanics: Armour colour change for 10 secs , still showing the...
Hey i just want to say that this gametype has been done before .. and was in H3 , so look around before you say its new, however you have altered...
Put the pics in you actual post and those picture look too small , also make the picturesshow up on this page without a link... serch in the serch...
Hey from the pictures quite alot of the track looks flat even though they are meant to be long straights ,but it looks smooth .. i think you could...
Map Style: Competitive , Team based Map Name Preferences: - Map Quality Named After: - Map Name Meaning: - Map Description: Team based , quite...
From the pictures it looks pretty decent ,i like that fact you've put a killball in the map without making it look tacky , you could also maby add...
From the Vid it looks very short , and also some of the little banks are useless as you can just not go up them and have a quicker lap time (...
Hey , this looks a good map indeed , it looks like its neatly made and from the pictures i cant see any camping spots nor just bad spots , i also...
Yeah i agree the map is too rectanglular and there are some bits missing , like the bus and the bit bhind the lorry that just has junk in it. also...
iMason. is my skype name (with the fullstop) Although i dont use it much.
I can draw .. depending what your asking for , but i can also use GIMP alrigt :)
Well i tested this map a few time with you and its good to finally see it up and ready for a download , so ill download it now and see what the...
Hey dude i have re-done the team nautilus logo without the hammers , if you want something else in it just ask i like designing so (Y) :D
Hey i love this map , but i thought to make it better , the gametype could eb abit better? Why dont you make the weapons random when you spawn?...
Im not to sure on the speed of the pacman , but i like the areana and the idea i remeber playing it back in H3 :)
Looks decent ive never thought of the idea of racing with jetpacks :)
Looks neat :)