I just noticed this last night and it's kinda weird. if you created a firefight gametype with bottomless clip (probably works like this in...
you can't? huh... thats weird. lemme look into that some more. the invasion gametype would be if teams switched sides... still, ill llok at that too.
someone else made a different donkey kong thats a little more traditional and has some interesting design ideas. check to see that the walls of...
added to my dl list, will check it out when i get home. i havent really used the forge options a ton, i didnt know you could do vehicle only for...
maybe i didnt read close enough, but i dont really get why the map is called "reversal." map looks cool, but i just dont get the name.
well, in retrospect (after beating the level) i hafta say that the first room was really my bane, after that it was pretty creative without a ton...
you know the name "martyrs on the great journey" sounds really cool, but I think the game type and map see a little underwhelming. simply making...
that's my biggest problem with CoD right there, so if he wants to make CoD in Halo he'd hafta do that.
I assume this is supposed to be kinda like gears of war 2's annex mode, which can be pretty fun despite the utter abomination of lag online. in...
while this map is ****ing sweet and amazing in terms of sheer size and creativity, i find the puzzle aspects of it less appealing. the solutions...
they covered the problems i was going to mention. i made a few modifications to the gametype by speeding up all players a bit (like, 125% speed)...
cool, but... This map is sick, and although i think it's really cool that you did something in forge that i'd been wanting to do since h3's forge...