What do you mean happy medium? Like the normal set you forge with, or the favorite items you use mostly use in every map?
Cool Ill be sure to add you, I'm wondering though is there a decorative map club or something in forge hub? I know there is probably an MLG one...
Your setting up invasion spawns as objective markers right? Sometimes the respawn zone overwrites the initial load out cam however if you use...
That's a cool trick ill be sure to try it, adds a bit of flare too!
Whoa there is one think that I really like about this map is how you made the island bigger with the Colosseum walls and flat rocks. Nice work in...
Just curious but why are you trying to spawn objects late? you could try spawn sequence if using objective markers however I'm not sure if you can...
The down pelican might be made with two pyramids and a covered bunker for the cockpit have you thought about that? Also if you out of money...
Awesome remake I would like to see if you could replicate the downed pelican though, I did not see any pics of one
After all these posts Im really motivated to build a new map Ive been kind of a **** to everyone here on forge hub and I want to apologize for my...
I apologize I'm not giving constructive criticism, like I should. Your map still does need work and I probably wouldn't play it in the condition...
I agree, game play is important as well as choosing things to match forerunner structure.
Or you could create it fixed and then switch it to normal by not holding it and tapping x. I wasn't trying to be arrogant but what ever.
That was my favorite Map on Halo 1!!! Please make it possible Gamertag Avolanty if I'm on send me a message.
sorry I was quick at making these and forgot.. Since I technically cannot say I am previewing maps cause I want to preview them one at a time....
Perhaps if you made it possible for the attackers to raid with additional help. I have a Helms deep map and I used a tall tall wall and made it...
I'm so glad to find other people who try to break out of the simple design. I agree the buildings, except for round bunker, sucks, but try...
That's great I saw it, but I'm having trouble locating the excel spreadsheet think you can include it, if not already highlight it? Your doing...
its like I told you The only way to make an object removed is using invasion gate under object description. Unless your dropping stuff like...
Are you starting at spawn sequence one and then continuing to three? You have to make sure that the game specific is true and that when the tower...
Let me put up the guard rails and make sure people don't be rude THIS GUY IS A NEWBIE AT FORGING AND HE IS ASKING FOR HELP DON'T POST A NEGATIVE...