11 comments all saying it didnt work and something about filling out a survey. Too good to be true? scam.
well the man cannons look less covenant and more foreunner and i think there are 1 or 2 more rock formations, but nore much more than that. Of...
Tempest has pretty much same options as forgeworld expect a smaller limit of pre-build structures and lower budget (just over 7k i got it down to)...
I've tried and must say it sounds better than it actually plays. You see with racing ground vehicles you have hills, jumps and other cool things...
Hi All! This is my very first forge map i've decided to make public so im looking for some feedback and comments. I lurk in here alot so treat me...
Thanks for your replys. @white Its a realy shame it doesnt work. I should tested it before i spent hours making the thing! @monster yup, tried all...
Hi, new here I've made a race map, starting on a mongoose, then onto a ghost, bashee and finally warthog before mongoose again at the start/end...