I'd kinda lean towards MC. If we look at regular Spartans and Elites, we've seen single Spartans kill multiple elites with minor trouble. The...
I just wish they'd give us more -blam- teleporters. But this looks like a great remake, I'll run it tonight and see how it feels.
First, amazing remake. I love it. Only issues: -Known framerate minor problem. Can't be helped. -Fusion coils on the bottom floor. That was...
I roll 7. I stayed on the default for a while, but because I was getting assassinated too often I threw it up to 7. I snipe all the time and make...
First impressions, it looks like you sawed off half of the original map. Great work! I always thought that map was stupidly unbalanced for...
Looks good, but I'd really like more pictures and maybe some descriptions.
Looks great. I bet it would play well, too. Just fyi, while flying around in forge, I found a hole that leads to out of the map. Don't know if...
Count me in. GT: Platinum Human
Firstly, I'm pretty "upset" that my image for the topic didn't show up. That's super lame. If anyone knows how to fix that short of making a new...
Compact I made this map with the simple thought of: "I bet it's really easy to make symmetrical maps." While this isn't necessarily true, it was...
After extensive testing and laborious research I have discovered that Rifte is the master of Forge. i.e. - Structures don't move in Custom Game....
I wanted to try something fun here: [IMG] I call the idea "Core". Its an upside-down satellite antenna that stays in place, but rotates. In the...
Pick a game no one else would even think of to remake a map from... like Star Fox: Assault.
Implement Valve's version of Hammer. Done. But really, my number one pet-peeve is not being able to group or clone objects. Is it really that...
Just a quick suggestion if your all about the DLs, tag the crap outa it. One of my maps got over 120 DLs in a week and I hadn't even posted it...
If anyone ever wants to play this on Live, send me a message and an invite. GT: Platinum Human My friends are lame and don't appreciate Left 4 Dead.
Thanks! As for the red and blue bases, they were supposed to represent the small structures from the Halo CE campaign. I would have liked to do...
Here is Monolith. It was inspired by the second mission of Halo CE, where you have to rescue and defend the marines after landing on the Ring....
This is map was built around the idea of a ruined and abandoned base. The theme includes water, because I thought it'd be cool to have a half...