omg what a noob! i played that map and own it since like june... ur a nub. forge hub dosent look kindly at poeple who steal other poeple's maps
wow sick! i love dis map. i never seen anything like it! 5/5! keep on forging!
this forging method is a great new adition but i think it will only work for show and nothing praticle for the map.
yo u totally copied my motto with the lemons. mine is "when life gives you lemons chuck em at nerds" idk if you though about the motto yourself or...
iv played a lot of maps like this such as the blue room and this type of game is way too anoying. i also do not belive it took an hour to make...
looks ok but needs a lot of improvement. it looks like you rushed. first u should make ALL of the merging and geo merging a lot neater. second try...
this map is very easy to spawn kill in even with the shield doors. to improve the map maybe you should raise the hill off the ground and map a man...
this map has great potencial. i just think so should make everything a little smoother and add some more weapons and this might be a good map for...
i think this map is a good start because the spawn killing thing as poeple said could be a big problem and some objects arent that neat. i do not...
this is a great map with great merging and playability. 4.5/5
well first of all the correct grammor is my friend and i. anyway get so pics on the form so we dont have to deal with going to bungie and finding...
i like the man cannon thing that pushes you up the wall corners. great job 5/5
i think you should look at other poeple's maps before posting anymore cause these maps u just posted stink. you need more thought instaed of...
yet again its too easy to die. i dont like going through a teleporter having someone spawn kill me. and this map really only works with slayer.
the platform are easy to knock over and you die pretty much when u go through the teleporter from poeple already on turrets. you really cant play...
its ok not great through 3/5 (try to come up with an origonal thing for ur map like the sliding door or tower in the sky
this is a really bad almost exact replica of the golf map posted in the minigame map pack 1. i think if you made something a little more different...
this looks like a great competitive map 4.5/5
i think you should read the "how to post your map form" before you post anything else. although i think the map would be good if i could download it.
this map seems too empty and easy to hide outside the map. i give it a 2/5