Hi All, I have got a pretty ambitious idea for a new aesthetic that I would like to add some game-play too, However I would like have someone to...
Yeah I have been working on a new savannah and should be the most accurate frigate that has been posted cool I will add you when I am next online....
This may be so but still wouldn't mind a few opinions good or bad so I know what people are looking for as far as the design went on this map it...
V2 is out and I am no in progress to making the final and most successful version lol.
Thank you it is a shame I lost that map but progress is being made as slow as it may be, if anyone wishes to see something in such a map feel free...
Couldn't agree more I knew from out it wasn't to size but I was looking to get a better shape the newer version will be ratio'd correctly i think...
Yeah It was a bit of a bummer but it also allowed me to start a fresh and not have a burden of a map that was more of a struggle now I have good a...
Haha No worries
I went offline for ages back now though I suppose the idea wasn't as popular as I hoped but back on here now and ready to start a new.
Hello once again to all of you here on forgehub As some may have seen my previous attempt at savannah here is the long over due of my V2. It...
Hey sorry i never got back to you on my thread I practically gave up haha! lost all my data but now refreshed and ready to start again this time...
Hey man sorry I haven't been around on here for quite some time been real busy also brought a new 360 resulting in me losing all my maps including...
Hello & Welcome to the Clarity of Faith Preview! As some of you may be aware, here on Forgehub we lack certain maps in specific Reach Custom...
Hey Silentraine yeah the feedback is helping so is the general interest some people don't understand the shear amount forging that goes into...
Looks like a pretty decent map, I'm not great at reviews especially for these types of maps as I find them boring no offence! But what I am...
Hey thanks guys again for the feedback! yeah I have finally started and its taken a little shape nothing major though tbh, nothing worth posting...
Hey guys sorry have been busy all week college and what not! thanks for all the fantastic feedback, views and idea's. I agree with a lot of the...
Yeah this has major visually perspective, and I am Glad you brought this to attention, he has created great curvature but I fear that the rest of...
Hello Forgehubbers I have been looking at Ship design based maps for some time now, and I have seen many UNSC based designs but I have seen...