@DynamiteDewey - pff...I don't think black ops is on par with mw2. It is fun I'll give it that, but the levels don't seem as good and it just...
Ok, I actually got to play some customs with you on this map today. Feedback from people who have only walked around the map can only tell you so...
Thanks for hosting jovial. I had a good time. Let me know if you guys do this again or if you just need a hand with anything.
Yep, thanks. Also, thanks for helping with the testing! You're not one of those kids whose going to spend all of their time on COD now are you?
I downloaded this. Really cool map. One thing I noticed that you may or may not want to change is there are a couple spots where there are dead...
These type of maps are really cool. I recommend trying it if you've never played on one of these before.
Aww... the good ol' days. I remember playing hang em high on xbconnect(when halo wasn't on live). Those were the days. 3 shot kills and 4 grenades...
Dang, well I'm sure there will still be less funny business on Reach then there is on COD...
Ya, true story there. Good deal. I signed up for the Wed. session. Anytime you see me on and want to play some customs just send me an invite!
Cool, let me know what you find out.
I think if you use your friends in matchmaking to help boost you and they catch you it's bannable. It sounds like that could be what he is doing,...
What, I really like about this game is that Bungie seems to be cracking down on the boosters. Some people might get away with it, but they have...
@Benzu13 - I'm glad it's better than you imagined. I will see what I can do to make the front of that building more eye-catching in a good way....
Seeing as how the rockets are on low ground and they have much more of an advantage high up, I think they are in a place that helps keep the...
Thanks, for the advice jovial. Do you mind if I add you? I've been looking for good customs with experienced map designers. I wouldn't mind...
Ya, leveling up is going to take forever. Hopefully I start getting those 7,777 jackpots a lot soon. I haven't quit any matches since I heard...
Thanks, I appreciate it a lot. The map isn't small, but I think it is smaller than the pictures make it out to be. It could definatly support more...
Hey Aquarius, I downloaded your map. Seems like a really fun and balanced map. Did you mean for people to be able to go on top of that main room...
Thanks, General Betrayus, for the info and the warm welcome! I checked out the Tester's Guild and looks like a great deal. I decided to just post...
Taijitu I made this map as balanced as I could. Hopefully some of you can enjoy it. It was made as a 4v4 map with Team Slayer in mind, but other...