Actually, have you tried choosing land grab and turning capture lock off? I'm not sure how you want scoring to work (if at all), and I still...
Play land grab! Unless that's not the type you mean, since it's an asymmetrical game type.
Every time I see your name I think Pubic Toast and I lol Had to let you know. :3
If you'd be so kind as to upload it to your fileshare I wouldn't mind taking a look at it and seeing if I can figure it out, along with allowing...
I bet, Broken, that if you started planning it out some stuff would hit you. And if not then while you're planning, maybe if you try to build.
Throw me an invite too, if you see me on XBL at all and you need some testers :3
I like puzzles. And I don't mean Halo glitch puzzles like Poseidon's Lair, I mean serious use your brain *****.
Actually, that's exactly how the map I had made worked. It was a really tiny map, but it was two levels and to play CTF it forced you onto the...
I have a link for you, and if you really want a decent understanding of spawns and how to work them and related things, read it. Seriously. and...
I'm going to agree with Haris (as most will, probably). But, all of the paths need ways to the other paths. Also, I'd consider not making them...
I still want to DL this off your fileshare or something, so I can look at it :3 I DONT NEED YOUR PARTY INVITES /decline
I'd like to test, too, actually. So feel free to throw something at me also.
I can go ahead and tell you that Right angles are not very forerunner friendly. And actually, a map with almost no right angles could be really...
As far as I'm aware, you can't change the capture/spawn points. I haven't tried messing with the spawn sequence and having two CTF_Flag_Return...
From looking at it, my only concern is a major lack of cover, or over use there of, on the top floor. I know it's supposed to be a risk-to-vantage...
Mailing list!
o.o It's not your own teams territory is it :P hahah. but really, I'm interested. If you have it on your file share I can take a look at it. Or...
Actually, I had made a map based around the concept of that, having to capture in a different place, thus defending two places on the map. And,...
I'mma get on and see what happens o: I bet you I'll find out nothing ):
Have you tried doing Land Grab? Land Grab is the asymmetrical territories. The only problem with this (pretty cool) idea, is that the fact that...