HAHAHA, we all know what that means right? Pretty cool map but I think the floor in the church could use a little somthing. Maybe like a strip...
This is a very neat map. I checked it out from a DL. I dont know what it is, but somthing could make this map go to the next level. Maybe a...
Not to hit this map hard with the first comment but the floor and the walls are the same :( I would maybe make an outline of aesthetics or...
@Frenchys0 - I don't see what you're talking about for the small incline .....You need to show me this on XBL . Thank you for comz . The ramps...
Hm, that’s the sky view of this map? I didn’t recognize that you made this one... It was a pretty fun one to play on and im glad you didn’t add...
So your saying Forge Hub could get sued?
ANYONE FOR MODDED CONTENT? If im missing WHY, fill me in please. I think people who in vision incredible maps, that cant be made by what...
I would agree. Maybe find an original way to make a cool satellite. Its a pretty neat map but there could be improvements done to make it even...
Hmmm, seems extremely hectic. As for me I hate rockets in general but I guess ill give this a shot... [IN GAME] [3v3] - The grid made me feel...
I remember this is what I first thought race would be... Nice job trying to make this work. I think you should make some epic structure on...
Wow, im impressed. Great job, nice first post. I would suggest you clean it up a bit. For example, the railings on incline could be fixed up a...
Yo, You want to add me on facebook? I think you have an open mind enough to see whats really going on... Want to get in on the revolution?
I think you could push yourself a little harder in the middle of the map. It seems like you were in a rush to fill space. I suggest you fill with...
Hey add em on XBL GT: MCGreen24
I always have issues finding people to test my forged custom slayer maps. Does anyone want to start a little group of friends who forge and test...
Nice job. I understand this was hard to make with Halo Reach's objects but the roadway looks odd with all of the intersecting lines with the...
I think having glass right under the tower makes the side of the map look weak and unrealistic. I would suggest you put some sort of support beams...
I would suggest making the background buildings a little different for each different one. Maybe put some fake windows on one, maybe some linework...
haha alright, talk to you later then...
You spelt constrained wrong on you map post... Just a heads up. I didn’t want to post on the thread because it would make you look bad, so I...