been far too busy of late i havent even got my xbox set up. but if its plugged in by tomorrow - and i am able to be online, i will be expecting...
heres a look at what i made... [IMG][IMG]
i've got 2 maps. one i was gonna use last week, and a new one. the new one i am half happy with - its got a load of routes and height variation...
i think i am grasping the basics of this. for one flag, how would you do spawn zones? you can do flag home and away for one team but not the...
yes it removes all data from the xbox. you can copy files,save games and profiles etc to a USB for ease of moving back. off all the things...
damn it! due to someone else's illness my shift for the day has changed and i am working late. i likely wont be home in time for the midnight...
kinda a heads up. as it'll be late and i'll probably be on make as little noise as i can instruction. so wont be able to tell you before "round...
what you have done is certainly an improvement, but there is still a lack of anything in either sides base. if it were ctf for example - how...
apologies for not seeing the sniper rifle, i did see the SAW. from your picture you have pretty much the same problems. long wide open spaces,...
i enjoyed our test on this last night, the little touches as already mentioned - the wires to the grav lift for example, just make sense. i like...
i really like your concept. it does need a fair amount of work though, i hope you are not deterred. somethings for you to consider; in the most...
i had this with the first map pack, after spending hours in live support and posting in rubbish threads at waypoint begging for help the only way...
please :)
i cant see any of those pictures :(
i really enjoyed the test i played on this last week. had a lot of fun on a great map. having it now pointed out to me, i didnt miss the ramps...
ive been toying with the idea of ctf assault, after libertads last test. (reversing one flag as it were) i have a basic map layout but just...
i thought that bungie having final say contributed to why the film never got going before. something along the lines of what was money was...
.VANGUARD (unrivaled20) new name, same map = same fun. middle doesnt seem to be overpowered yet, though i have only played it twice. i really...
thanks for the offer. aside from the zones, i am still not sure what makes a good spawn point. not in my defense, but my dont hate me excuse...