Halo Reach Survival Guide Forge World Express Hey Guys xSKYLINERX here just saying that me and a group of my friends just made two new episodes...
Yo Blaze sorry about posting it and all its just that machinima told me to advertise maps at certain websites. Sorry that I have Put this map up;...
(Noble Creek V1,2,3,4, and 5) Gruntmaster09 Proudly Present Noble Creek! Its a remake of Battle creek and Beaver Creek. We were really...
(Oil Rig) Multi-Team and Team Swat Gruntmaster09 Proudly Present Oil Rig! Its basically about team Swat and Multi Team the most. this is one of...
Yeh about that the gametype should be where the download map is. you can see what I put in there. BTW yeh i agree with the SFX and I'll make a V2...
(The Sewers) Tremor "N" Mouse Gruntmaster09 Proudly Present The Sewers! Its a infection game where the Cat AKA Tremor tries to find the mouse...