Sounds Great! Thanks alot. Much appreciated
If you have a big team match. I would appreciate it if you put up a film in your fileshare so i can use it to submit it to bungie.
I enjoyed this map. The lift is my favorite especially the one going down, it works beautifully. Good job sir. There are a few concerns. First,...
thanks timmypanic, I have downloaded your map as well but have yet to check it out. I will get back to you when i play it. Which will be later...
Thanks it took a while, but if you could test it and get back with things you liked or disliked. That would be helpful.
Hey if you can check out my map and test it, that would be great its called Cliff Side. you can dl it on my fileshare
Here is Cliff Side. Its a Big Team Battle map meant for large scale battles. It consists of two bases which are asymmetrical. There are many...