:) :) :)
Eh, I don't really know about that. I haven't been active in a forum for like 2 years, and nobody knows me anymore. Plus my name is...
I don't even own any of the Halo's anymore :\
I've been through... a lot. But things are getting better, thats for sure. I was thinking the other day about how much I really appreciated...
Sooooo hows Halo?
Love you.
Security <3
Scope <3
Christopher Brennen <3
I may be kind of late on this but I just noticed we can have 4 characters for our service tag :D
Well said, well said...
Chris, when do you want me to come over? I have some stuff I need to did in the next few days but i think I can manage to fly up to canadia to...
A mix of FX, and the blast from a plasma grenade made the lighting bolt.
Been a while since I posted anything, let alone screenshots. Here we go: The Dark Side [IMG] Grunge [IMG] Thermal Vision [IMG] White...
Indeed the man i once knew as sweeny...
Scoep is a dumbass lolololo
Things are not the best time what so ever right now. I am behind on a lot of school work, family problems, and other things. Its kind of a mess...
Was something serious wrong with your neck?
I haz been alright. I was sick for a week and missed a shitload of tests at school :'( How bout you?
Like oh my god! I totally like no you like! Like I like haven't like talked like to like you like in like like like like FOREVER LIIIKEEEE!!!!!!