I wouldn't worry about adding too many aesthetics, the map plays well and that's what matters, then again maybe that's why my map was largely...
I posted the first version of this map about a week ago and I received a few suggestions on what should be changed on the map and I have returned...
This looks like a great map. I feel that the coliseum area is under used in Forge World and it seems to be the perfect size for 4v4 symmetrical...
I wish there were more maps like this that go for good balanced gameplay for both teams and not so much on trying to fill there map with aesthetic...
Thanks for the feedback and advice, I've been running through my head how to change the fronts of the bases where the flags are held so that it...
This looks great, the layout looks simple yet complex whereas most maps are either overly complicated to navigate or boring, this looks easy to...
Cellblock v1.1 This is my second map and its a small arena map made for slayer and objective modes for 4v4 action. I went into this map with the...
I really like how you hid the sniper rifle, more maps need to make the power weapons difficult to obtain. Also, given to limitations of forge...
Hi, this is my first map so even though I wasn't going for anything professional, I did want to create a fun asymmetric BTB map that focused more...