First inside city map I've seen since turf! Do you have weapons/spawns yet?
If you mean spawns and weapons, thatll be easy. Each team will spawn in or above there base. As for weapons, Ill probobaly put 1 pw in the mid and...
When I play Reach with friends it normally turns into a 1v1v1 ffa. So I decided to make a map for it. This map isnt the most aesthetically...
I hate teleporters on race maps, they feel disorienting and lazy. However the rest of the map is great. I really like the traffic light and mega...
You can move an object up less than a coordinate if you press rb then a very quickly. It may take some practice.
I doubt it, I was probally there so the mission designer could have fun, and then he probabbly chose to not remove them. Same with most other...
Not always, you dont see the gold visor when you first start. And if you mean you are able to see it in waypoint, they could still hide it. Theres...
NO, I meant would they ADD achievements for it. Looking back at my post I realize the idea is a bit farfetched. I know waypoint gives reach armor...
With conversational skill like that, its no wonder that your legendary. Also, if its across all games would they add halo 1 achievements? For...
Like I said, KoTH. The ending safe spot is a hill, once you reach it you get a point and the round ends. Also, Ive already stated numerous ways...
I have all the achievements except buy something as lt. colenol, its not that hard.
Eh true, if it was worn on your back though people would now there was something diffrent about it. It would also be a great callout to halo 2 fans.
True, perhaps the killballs can blow up stuff? If so you could here explosions going off behind you if you were about to die. You could also take...
Why not just set the respawn points manually instead of using spawn zones?
If you have ever played crash bandicoot, you've played a level where some large boulder/creature has chased you. Because the physics of the...
This map is awesome, I hope bungie adds it into matchmaking like cliffhanger and atom.
While watching the video I could imagine how it would look in halo. If you ever want I tester my GT is Lncendios. I may be unable to talk though,...
Why not make it invasion?
From what I see it looks really cool, but Im having trouble visualizing it. Do you think you could add a total map overview or a video?
...Have you played Halo 2?