I just wanna add that I can't stand vehicle gameplay. I'm okay with warthogs but thats where it needs to end. Vehicles are just nooby bs and it...
Warzone ****ing sucks. BTB ****ing sucks. Grifball ****ing sucks. Theres some unpopular opinions for ya.
I mean..... nawwww. This is bait. Ain't gonna fall for it.
So whos right? @a Chunk or @AnonFriction
So there were three corners sticking out actually. All are gone, but i would of been lazy and left them if you didnt say anything. haha Thanks,...
Hopefully the last update if the test lobby goes well. Changed all weapon dynamics and times to more reflect matchmaking + a few geometry...
no god anywhere updated CONTRACT with a new update entry: Contract Version 2.1 Read the rest of this update entry...
Thank you for spending time trying to break my map, i actually really appreciate that. You were standing on an invisible blocker in the first,...
Thanks again forgehub... and for the feature. ☺
Aww man... this gold lift is a huge pain. I had that issue when i started rebuilding the lift but havent been able to find a single issue with it...
With version 2 comes a large amount of additions, adjustments and fixes. Please leave feedback for any issues you still find or if you like the...
no god anywhere updated CONTRACT with a new update entry: Contract Version 2 Read the rest of this update entry...
Ive been having some intense lighting issues tonight. There are random bright checkerboards everywhere....
Blaze, i wasnt even aware of that jump and i was into the trick jumping thing for a while. I probably wont add this but im going to redesign the...
Sweet, thanks for noticing and sharing. I'm gonna be taking care of your first two points. I can and probably will add pillars to widen the...
I'd like to remake foundry or the pit. I see you. Looks good with the sunset skybox in particular. I'll try something like this with the midday...
So, my thought process as far as color schemes and lighting goes: I very much dislike adding and seeing colored lighting on maps as imo it causes...
Thanks for the replies guys. I'm happy you like the map. It's been so long since I played games on the original that I forgot you could do that....
CONTRACT - A Construct Remake A nearly perfect remake of the classic halo 3 map construct. Built with replication in mind, this map holds onto...
no god anywhere submitted a new map: CONTRACT - Construct Replica - A nearly perfect remake of the classic halo 3 map construct. Built with...